summary :-
the SHA-256 of the loader sample is 5DBC5B3553CDD5DF896629CD10A614CF1C384CFAFFFB0754898EE870589F5A10
it said that parallax RAT is one of infamous Malwares that spread during Covid-19 pandemic, as malpedia write about it
in this blog Post we are not going to dive into the main RAT payload, instead we will focus in the loader stage and see how the loader preparing to launch the payload in low-detected and evasive way … as it also said that it detected by only one Engine in “Virus Total” when it submitted for the 1st time.
another thing to note this analysis blogpost isn’t intended to give any threat intel information’s, it will be something like tracing how I as beginner approach the analysis process and digging into internals of my first malware sample, trying to figure out how malicious functionality is implemented .
Execution Flow :-
the most special aspect about this loader is it very obfuscated an stealthy as we will dissect it now to see how it does this …
the loader isn’t embedded the RAT payload directly inside itself because it will be an easy hunt for any static-based detection to catch it, so it encode the payload inside a PNG image hosted at Imgur{.}com
and as part of it’s execution it will download this PNG file and decode the payload from it.
we can roughly divide execution flow as stages :-
- Preparation stage => “launch, decryption and inject into Mstsc.exe-prepare downloader-“
- Downloader stage => download the PNG from
to %TMP%
- Parser stage =====> decode the PNG to produce the next 2 stages code
- Anti-Debugging ===> anti-debugging by
- detect AV product by NtQuerySystemInformation()
- Persistence =====> establish Persistence and exclude the final Payloads from Defender detection
and to get a sense of the big picture of the execution flow, we need to know pieces that build this full picture
1- Decrypted PE file
=> which is simply “xor decrypted” data_blob to code contains
a - PE File -> prepare downloader and build `2nd_CFG_struct` -will be explained-
b - shellcode -> responsible for image downloading stage
2- 1st_CFG_struct
, 2nd_CFG_struct
and 3rd_CFG_struct
those are internal structures that every stage responsible to build and handover it to the next stage, and the whole point of this is obfuscation, this structs is containing
win API addresses
Boolean values that control the flow
constant used during decompression or to access offsets
Pointers and offsets inside the loader itself
executable names used as target for injection of the payload
and Definitions for those structures is showed in the following figures
note => the shellcode responsible of downloading PNG is the second member of _2nd_CFG_struct
=> the loader relay heavily to call ZwDelayExecution
which is at offset 0x24
here - so during analysis we *NOP slide*
this API itself inside virtual memory of ntdll.dll itself
and if we go for analysis without previous build of these structures 1st_CFG_struct
, 2nd_CFG_struct
and 3rd_CFG_struct
we will face something like this :-
before appling structres.
but after those structure applied :-
so now we know the stages of execution and the internal structures used by these stages, let’s poke inside each stage of them
A_) Preparation stage :- “two part ( 1-preparation & 2-decrypted)”
Part1 => preparation
this part is contains how next stage code and url decrypted and moving execution with function pointer
the first thing it does is to XOR decryption of code that prepare 2nd_CFG_struct
and also code responsible for Downloader part, this decryption is done with hardcoded Dword key
the same thing is done for decryption of PNG URL, and also calling offset inside decrypted PE which is responsible for Building 2nd_CFG_struct
and calling the downloader passing to it the builded struct … something worth mentioning here the method of moving execution to shell code with function Pointer is less noisy than spawning another thread or injection because the shellcode here is doing a small job so this method is suitable for this situation
after this we will move to
part2 => Decrypted
- how API procedures resolved in runtime by hashing.
- how malware map a second ntdll.dll from disk.
- removing userland AV hooks.
- mixing 64-bit\32-bit code using heaven gates && how malware know the ssdt number without hardcode them "ssdt isn't fixed number across windows versions".
- how the malware inject into remote process using ( write - change entry - resume) style.
=> API resolving at runtime
the malware resolve an API used in execution by these steps
- get the library base address by traversing PEB “Process environment Block” structure
- pass CRC32 hash to resolving function that walk through all exports by dll and compare them against hash
- after selecting the matching name of exported API, it will go through EOT “ordinals table” and EAT”addresses table” to get the address
- storing the address of API in Stack Variable “local” {EBP-XXX} … to obfuscate calls issued during execution
- get SSDT number “system service descriptor table” “syscall table” for some of those APIs, to use them in “Heaven’s gate” technique that will be explained later.
first thing the malware get PEB address of the current module, then it get the struct _PEB_LDR_DATA
member inside PEB which hold this structure
struct _PEB_LDR_DATA
ULONG Length;
BOOLEAN Initialized;
PVOID SsHandle;
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList; // +0x0c
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList; // +0x14
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;// +0x1c
this structure where the malware can get the base address for example of Ntdll.dll, it will find this in any of the 3 “double linked list” => InLoadOrderModuleList , InMemoryOrderModuleList and InInitializationOrderModuleList
the only difference between them is the offset that the malware author choose to travel with :smile: and when he choose any of those 3 structures it will have a pointer flink
which point to member on the “double linked list” “Flink & Blink” of LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
structure and from dereferencing this flink
and access offsets inside it
=> but to be noted the 3 lists are pointing to the same set of LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
entries but in different order and the only thing you need to know while working with these lists that offestes in LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
will differ according to which list you take … for example the BaseDllName
is at offset 0x2c
but in order to grap it’s value you will have to go throgh the same path but removing the delta there
PEB = fs:[0x30] —> LDR == +0xc —> X
_links == +0xc|+0x14|+0x1c —> BaseDllName
== +0x2c
from InLoadOrderLinks
dt _UNICODE_STRING poi(poi(poi(fs:[0x30])+0xc)+0xc)+0x2c
from InMemoryOrderLinks
will have delta of 0x8
dt _UNICODE_STRING poi(poi(poi(fs:[0x30])+0xc)+0x14)-0x8+0x2c
from InInitializationOrderLinks
will have delta of -0x10
dt _UNICODE_STRING poi(poi(poi(fs:[0x30])+0xc)+0x1c)-0x10+0x2c
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
void* BaseAddress; //0x18
void* EntryPoint;
ULONG SizeOfImage;
UNICODE_STRING BaseDllName; //0x2C
ULONG Flags;
SHORT LoadCount;
SHORT TlsIndex;
HANDLE SectionHandle;
ULONG CheckSum;
ULONG TimeDateStamp;
so here the malware author choose to go with InLoadOrderModuleList
and the Pseudo-code to implement get_base_of_dll( str dll_CRC32_hash )
is the following :-
- get PEB_address =>
PEB = FS[30h]
, PEB = TIB[30h]
- go to
=> LDR = PEB[0xC]
=> author go for LoadOrderModuleList
- go to Flink =>
Flink = LDR[0xC]
- loop through all linked list and get
=> Name = Flink[0x2C]
- compare CRC32 hash of the current
with one supplied as argument => if( CRC32hash(BaseDllName) == supplied_hash)
- get the
with matched matched_Flink[0x18]
- otherwise - not matched - , continue loop linked list
and the C code implementation
int get_base_of_dll( int dll_CRC32_hash ){
*Ldr_struct = NULL,
*Flink_ptr = NULL,
*p = NULL,
*BaseAddress = NULL,
*DllName = NULL;
mov eax,fs:[0x30]
mov PEB,eax
Ldr_struct = *( ( void ** )( ( unsigned char * )PEB+0x0c ) );
Flink_ptr = *( ( void ** )( ( unsigned char * )Ldr_struct+ 0x0c ) );
flink_iterator = Flink_ptr;
DllName = *( ( void ** )( ( unsigned char * )flink_iterator+ 0x2C ) );
if( CRC32Hasing(DllName) == dll_CRC32_hash ){
BaseAddress = *( ( void ** )( ( unsigned char * )flink_iterator+ 0x18 ) );
flink_iterator = *( ( void ** )flink_iterator);
while ( Flink_ptr != first_one );
return BaseAddress;
and in the Hex-Ray’s De-compiler after adding required structures and fixing pointers, we could see the get_base_of_dll()
match what we explained so far :-
and it does this for getting the base address for ntdll.dll , kernel32.dll
as the malware is only depend on low level APIs
now with the two dll Base Address it will then move to resolving APIs, then store them in local Variables in the stack … first let’s talk about how we identified the usage of CRC32 Hash algorithm before we use Scripting To comment out APIs used and facilitate the process of Static Analysis.
we know the function responsible of hash resolving by notice that there’s function takes 2 argument
1 - either ntdll_base or kernel32_base
2 - hardcoded hash
so going inside it we see that the result of sub_1E2390()
compared against the supplied hash value
and inside sub_1E2390()
we found some sort of algorithm and inside it the “cryptographic constant” 0x4C11DB7
which is used in CRC32 hasing algorithm
so now it will be similar to how we get the base of dll by comparing the dll_name to hash … now we calculate the hash for each exported name and compare it with the hash provided as argument, and if the compare done successfully, it will go through EAT “export address table” and EOT”export ordinal table” to get the address of procedure.
the process of going from “Procedure name” to “Procedure address”:-
1 = name_index = the index inside loop when Export Name matched with hash
2 = ordinal = ExportOrdinalTable [name_index ]
3 = Procedure_address = ExportAddressTable [ordinal]
and this API_Resolver()
is called many times to resolve many hashes, we need some sort of scripting to annotate each corresponding API name
and for annotating API names we will use a tool called Uchihash which is natively support CRC32 hashing algorithm and it also support producing IDA script that comment each hash with corresponding plaintext string.
now we have seen how libraries and procedures are retrieved by only providing hash and relaying on process structures like peb
… next it will resolve many Procedure addresses and store them in stack variable to be used during execution.
=> how malware load a second ntdll.dll from disk.
before the malware call any of resolved APIs and doing any malicious activity it try to load another ntdll.dll from disk to remove any userland AV hooks that set by Anti-Virus solutions.
most Anti-virus product set hooks on important Procedures exported by ntdll.dll
, because it’s the lowest layer in User space and all system calls are going through ntdll.dll
so after hooking the AV engine can do it’s role to monitor Procedures argument or watching any specific pattern of API calls then pass the execution back to the original called function, and the hook is done by changing the first assembly instruction in procedure address to JMP AV_related_address
and this hooking is done by AV_library injected in process address space upon creation of the process … so let’s see how this done inside the malware.
**also we can tell that this ntdll.dll
isn’t the one loaded by image loader, because the base address of this dll is low unlike the one loaded with windows image loader which is always have a height base address inside the virtual address of the process **
note most AV set hooks when they receive PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx()
callback , when process is created then it start setup inline hooks in important APIs, but when you map a dll in process memory like what malware author done here, it will be an aggressive way to scan all mapped file at run time in term of performance, so here if there’s an hooks inside ntdll.dll
loaded by windows loader, the other ntdll.dll
mapped by the malware from disk will be clear from any hooks, so the next step malware will take is to scan all the exported procedures by ntdll.dll
loaded by windows loader and clear inline hooks with the help of manually mapped ntdll.dll
… and the process is taking the following steps
getting the address of exported function by hooked_ntdll
getting the corresponding exported function address inside mapped_ntdll
dereference the hooked_ntdll
exported function address, and compare the first byte with E9
‘JMP opcode’
if the first byte match while comparing with E9
== then ==> enter the unhooking loop
Address ==> `hooked_ntdll` exported function address
Size ==> 5 bytes ==> (JMP opcode'1 byte' + 32bit address'4bytes')
NewProtect ==> PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE == 0x40
write 5 bytes from `mapped_ntdll` to `hooked_ntdll` of current procedure
Address ==> `hooked_ntdll` exported function address
Size ==> 5 bytes ==> (JMP opcode'1 byte' + 32bit address'4bytes')
NewProtect ==> PAGE_EXECUTE_READ == 0x20
an in this next video explaining and showcase how the malware implement these steps :-
if you read this analysis through PDF use this link
=> mixing 64-bit\32-bit code using heaven gates && how malware know the SSDT number
**not just trying to explain the technique which is explained already in many blog posts, but try to deliver the identification and discovering process from ‘‘point of view’’ of me … as this is the first time to met usage of this technique **
in nutshell this technique is act as anti-analysis, and it take advantage of legitimate mechanism used by syswow64 subsystem, normally the mechanism intended for backward compatibility to let 32bit applications to work on 64bit operating system and this done by what’s called heaven's gate
, so the 32bit application work normally if it was on 32bit OS/machine by helping of syswow64 libraries which mapped into every 32bit application and this libraries provide the 32bit application the emulation of 32bit environment, but the issue to address here is that the kernel of 64bit system is purely run on 64bit code so when the 32bit emulated application need to issue syscall or any thing in kernel the heaven's gate
act like dispatcher for those transitions … and the malware implement this mechanism to execute 64bit code inside the 32bit application by abusing heaven's gate
… because in syswow64 situation the transition landed in address specified by the kernel … but in the abusing situation the transition landed in 64bit code specified by the malware and crafted to execute malicious functionality behind the eyes of a 32bit debugger, because the debugging engine of 32bit debugger can’t handle this execution and only catch the execution when it landed back in 32bit code … unless you aware about the usage of this technique and use debugger that can handle both architecture like windbg
with wow64exts
extension … and we call it as anti-analysis because it hide some functionality from analyst, and isn’t anti-debugging because in presence or absence of debugger it will do it’s functionality and never change the execution flow based on debugger presence.
technique identification => so we identified the usage of this technique by noticing 3 things.
- calls to
function and the Boolean IsWow_bool
is act as decision maker to enter many code blocks or not “heaven gates blocks”
so IsWow_bool
is Boolean to make decision about entering “heaven gates blocks” … as shown here.
after resolving some procedures the malware store SSDT
number inside local vars … those vars used by “heaven gates blocks”
two notes here
a. the malware get the SSDT number from the manually mapped ntdll.dll
to evade that loaded dll may have hooks so the start of this hooked procedure address will have JMP AV_related_address
instead of MOV Eax, <SSDT number>
which is the normal case in not hooked ntdll.
b. the malware get the SSDT number only for some functions “mostly the functions that at terminal position or last position in user mode”, and not all functions starting with MOV Eax, <SSDT number>
, because some function move the execution to another function or do some sort of checks on supplied parameters or something like converting string buffers from ASCII to Wide chars…
so in the picture below we see the dispatcher stub
which is the responsible of preparing the system call process, and it’s start with instruction
MOV Eax, <SSDT number>
so the malware dereference the Procedure address to get here and add 1 to this address to get the SSDT number, so adding 1 will skip MOV opcode 0xB8
and point to the next byte 0x3F
in this case.
there’s function that take SSDT number as it’s first argument and this function only called inside “heaven gates blocks”
and it referenced many times.
the wired delay and jump to non-expected place that happen after execution of “heaven gates blocks”
if you read this analysis through PDF use this link
after combining those 4 observations and trying to figure out … the only thing matched with this behavior is come up when we saw the form of
in Wow64Transition()
… and this explained next.
we will dissect important parts like:- SSDT
, segment selector
, segment descriptor
and windows segmentation.
first, let’s know what is SSDT number,
SSDT “ System Service Dispatch Table” :- SSDT number is a index in array of pointers that indirectly call routines in kernel mode, this number used to specify kernel function to be executed by the kernel mode, and this number is used by assembly instructions like:-
- INT 0x2e ==> old mechanism to issue system call
- SysEnter ==> x32 mechanism to issue system call
- SysCall ==> x64 mechanism to issue system call
so the SSDT is the connection point between user-mode API calls and corresponding Kernel routines … this connection is done through dispatch stubs
the dispatch stub
is series of assembly instructions that prepare the transition to kernel mode
note the “dispatch stubs” in the previous picture doesn’t use syscall
or sysenter
? ,
because in the context of this sample it’s a x32bit inside x64 Operating system, so the value 0x77894FC0
moved into edx
then called must be something related to WoW64
(Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) which is a mechanism to preserve backward compatibility for 32bit applications to be able to run in 64bit architecture, and syswow64 is implemented by Wow64.dll
, Wow64Win.dll
, and Wow64Cpu.dll
and this address 0x77894FC0
is fixed between all transitions to kernel for API calls,
for sake of simplicity, let’s think of 0x77894FC0
as general dispatcher that go from 32bit to 64bit as the name clarify that.
and inside it we see.
“far pointer” explained from diagram in intel manual
so till now the address translation process according to intel manual is very normal and regular in case of the offset part … the segment base address isn’t affected according to current memory model the MS windows implement – windows segmentation explained in the next photo – but the only thing that changed than the normal flow in our assumption that there’s some sort of bit flags related to segment descriptor
pointed by segment selector
and to confirm that we go and see content of those segment registers while debugging both 32bit process and 64bit process.
if you read this analysis through PDF use this link
so before diving into segment descriptor structure and investigate bit flags responsible for this transition … let’s go to documentation and see the difference between JMP => opcode E9
and JMP FAR => opcode EA
to conform our assumption.
so that satisfy our assumption that JMP FAR => opcode EA
change take segment into action not only the 32 bit address, but leave us with another non-related question … how it change segments with the same privilege level, and we supposed to move to the kernel to execute out the syscall ??!! but will leave this to be answered later
so… in “Far pointer “ the “segment selector” part of the address is pointing to “segment descriptor structure” inside the “GDT table”, we will dissect that in case of 0x23
which is the values inside CS during execution of 32bit code and 0x33
which is the values inside CS during execution of 64bit code.
lets convert the two selector into binary then apply the segment selector structure to them according to intel manual
firstly the segment selector of both 0x23
and 0x33
is still at user mode, so the flow of this must be like
move SSDT in EAX &&
jump to Wow64Transition()
change the CS code segment
to 0x33
that change execution mode to 64bit
the 64bit code is now responsible to issue the syscall
or not then return back to 0x23
so there’s no privilege level changing while entering the heaven gate … we only change the execution mode, also what confirm that is the kernel is 64bit implemented and calling convention differ and registers set also differs … so after moving to 64 bit code it can issue syscall but the heaven gate only responsible for change execution mode.
let’s now move now to index 4 => 0x23 => 32bit
and index 6 => 0x33 => 64bit
in GDT and apply segment descriptor structure to it :-
segment descriptor structure according to intel manual
let’s verify the content of descriptors in index 4 and 6 by kernel debugging with windbg.
the above output is from dg
command which responsible for shows the segment descriptors, that
- descriptor at index
4 => 0x23 => 32bit
====> descriptor[21] = long bit ==> NL “Not Long”
- descriptor at index
6 => 0x33 => 64bit
====> descriptor[21] = long bit ==> LO “ LOng”
and both are code segments.
finally let’s see the abuse technique is implemented inside parallax RAT:-
Before going to analyze and disassemble the 64bit code inside 32bit we need to make something clear here
so during analysis process when we see any write of shellcode or PE file to process memory, the analyst go for extract or dump out this shellcode or PE file for getting notion of it’s functionality or discard it if it was decoy to save time, then the next step if we dealing with executable file format like PE file we do two things after dumping from memory :-
- fix the sections offsets, and this done by see if the data inside sections is aligned according to file alignment
in this case the PE is in raw mapping or according to page boundary alignment 0x000 = 1024
in this case the PE is in virtual mapping.
- changing some member of executable format structures like
optional_header.Entry Point
, optional_header.ImageBase
, so when PE file loaded by windows loader or opened with disassembly tool, the parser or image activator are able to map the PE file into virtual form and traverse the import/export and rebase offsets in correct way.
but when we talk about decrypted PE file that was XOR Decrypted with hardcoded key in Preparation_stage mentioned above, it have full format as PE file and all of it’s headers but the execution flow is started and moved with building function pointers
and it also replace hardcoded values with values and offsets generated at run-time
example of replacing 0xCBCBCBCB
other unique hardcoded values position calculation
and also the PE file has no Imports in it’s IAT and it’s relying on hash resolved API and there’s many moves of code to another locations or separated stage and it’s very similar to PIC code position independant
… so in nutshell it decrypted in memory as PE file but in execution it’s shellcode discarding any PE headers , and if you try to fix PE headers or section alignment as usual it will be waste of time and trying to disassemble it will result on missing some shellcode which will be discarded due to alignment and the header itself will be overwritten with shellcode
and it force you to create new segment structure to cover the whole code area … so that’s why we working with all stages in this sample as shellcode, and we will show case how to apply windows types and structures and propagate them in automated way to make the analysis easier
dealing with malformed PE file during execution stages
to get around this problem we follow these steps not in sequential order :-
dump Malformed PE file to disk.
remove the PE headers => by hex editor.
we use IDA disassembler => manual load PE file.
add any windows “MS SDK type library” to IDA from “Type libraries” subview.
produce C file => file
tab => produce file
=> create c file
“ if you use Ghidra this step isn’t required as Ghidra enter each child in analysis stage”
which is available here, => retrieve the proper type signature from IDA’s type libraries
add 1st_CFG_struct
, 2nd_CFG_struct
and 3rd_CFG_struct
structure definitions and apply them into code listing
“ identified by the fact of loading base address then dereference it then access many offsets within this base “
solve overlapped functions assemblies and define functions to match what we saw in debugging using these shortcuts
- E --> extend function end
- alt+p --> edit function --> `local variables area`, `start address` and `end address`
- delete function ---> in context menu "function names view"
how parallax setup Heaven’s gate prologue and epilogue
first it push the segment selector which is 0x33
that represent 64bit mode, then it push the address to 64-bit code by taking advantage that call instruction implicitly push the return address into stack, and in this case the call opcode is just E8 00000000
empty call which will call itself, that mean pushing the address of the next instruction into the stack, then this address is corrected by adding 5 bytes to it, then it issue a return far
which not only take an address from stack into EIP as regular ret instruction but also take a segment selector … this explained in next photo
so now we will see **how to analyze 64bit code that will be executed **
not correctly represented opcode in 32bit
we could get the 64bit code in fast and simple way using Pe-bear
tool, as explained in the next video.
if you read this analysis through PDF use this link
Exploring 64bit code in more interactive way
the pros of this way is that let us explore the code in interactive way that we can do ‘renaming’, ‘applying structure’ and many more helpful things aid in further analysis , But note that this isn’t the case with this sample that have simple 64bit code, but let’s show it
till now we proceed our analysis with IDA as disassembler, but the right tool now as disassembler is Binary Ninja can handle various architecture code in the same analysis database, as explained in the next video.
if you read this analysis through PDF use this link
the 64bit code contain 3 parts :-
- pass argument according to x64 calling convention “those argument set by
- getting the SSDT number into
and issue Syscall
- return back to 32bit code using the same technique used to enter 64bit code
example with NtReadVirtualMemory()
=> process injection and thread resumption
the previous stage is completed for now and it does the following
- prepare the shellcode responsible for downloading the PNG which contains the final payload .
- resolving some APIs && build the
and fill some members.
- decrypt the PNG URL and add it to
after that the “PNG downloader” then “PNG parser” then “Anti-Debugging / AV evasion” executed sequentially but inside a new Process “Mstsc.exe”, masquerading a legitimate Microsoft executable, and the injection is done by starting “Mstsc.exe” suspended, then allocate space inside it usingZwAllocateVirtualMemory()
then write shellcode, CFG_struct and image URL using ZwWriteVirtualMemory()
either by simple API call or with Heaven’s gate technique explained in the above section if it run inside wow64 subsystem.
first it allocate space inside mstsc.exe using ZwAllocateVirtualMemory()
after that it write the next sage payload using ZwWriteVirtualMemory()
after the data has been written now the malware should transfer the execution to offset of the written shellcode, and this done by changing the entry point by first calling GetThreadContext()
, the overwrite the EAX value with the address of the written shellcode responsible for downloading the PNG, Entry point is stored in register eax
==> ` (ctx + 0xB0)` when the thread is suspended.
and the write is done by changing protection of 5 byte of entry point address opcodes “1 byte for E9
JMP opcode+ 4 byte for 32bit address of downloader shellcode” using ZwProtectVirtualMemory()
then use NtWriteVirtualMemory()
to write the E9 <Downloader SC address>
then change the protection back to PAGE_EXECUTE_READ 0x20
, finally the thread is ready now so the thread resumption is happen in the same way with heaven’s gate using ZwResumeThread()
so, after we finished explaining the abuse of heaven gate to execute 64bit code, the next video is just a show case of how the spawned suspended Process thread resumption done in 64bit code
if you read this analysis through PDF use this link
Important note we could simplify our dynamic analysis process, by patching the call to IsWow64Process()
to return 0 not 1 and the malware will continue it’s functionality without any change of execution path.
B_) Downloader stage :-
Downloader stage is part of the shellcode that xor decrypted inside the main process during Preparation stage, but its execution take place inside the legitimate process Mstsc.exe
, and we noticed the resolving of CoInitialize()
and CoCreateInstance()
, and this give us a hint that COM APIs will be used during this stage.
and the download is done by two ways if one of them fail it will go to the other way:-
download using “BITS -> Background Intelligent Transfer Control”
to use COM APIs and get an interface from the object, a call to API CoCreateInstance()
, must be issued.
and from this API call we need three argument:-
and riid
we need to get those values to know which COM interface will be used, and from there we go and find definitions to those interface then apply them to PPV
which will be treated as base address to access functions “methods” inside the interface
**ways to get the interface name or structure with Clsid / riid ** :-
get info about interface name or ProgID to get hint about the functionality used in this part of malware:-
* doing simple google search
* search through all windows SDK header files
* search in registry editor … in Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID
then see if it has “Type library” defined
* using tool like “ComView” and search with Clsid
apply the interface structure to disassembly tool code listing ;-
so back to downloader functionality
and the functions that create random name for the PNG in %temp% path.
Srand( 1 + rand() % (7 - 1) )
the appending to result random value .PNG
the PNG extension
if the download failed with COM API “BITS” then it will try to download using wininet
the flow is straight forward.
and here the full flow of the downloader
C_) Parser / Decoder stage :-
we still in Mstsc.exe
, and the shellcode responsible of decoding/parsing of the PNG is still part of the “ xor decrypted code”, but the difference between the downloader shellcode and parser shellcode, is that Parser has another layer of decompression “LZNT1”.
and we move from Downloader to Parser by building function Pointer then call it
main flow after parsing
we are not going to reverse engineering the PNG decoding Process, because this sample is old and not worth to RE the process to extract the payload that isn’t live anymore…
so after parsing the PNG it return a result Page that contain
- next stage config
- Anti-debugging shellcode that will be called after Parser stage
- the final payload that will injected into
and establish Persistence
D_) Anti-Debugging:-
starting from this stage… the shellcode isn’t part of “XOR decrypted code”, instead it’s part of “PNG decoded code”,but we are still in the same process Mstsc.exe
and as usual way to move stage from one stage to another stage, this also start execution by function Pointer also.
the first thing to notice about this stage is that the code listing is very huge compared with previous stages, approximately more than 1500 line in IDA decompiler view, so there’s some sort of obfuscation or insertion of junk / decoy code to mislead the analyst or making the analysis process is more harder, but till now this still Hypothesis and we need to verify this.
so going “from Bottom to up” / “behavioral analysis to assembly”
and also the “control-flow graph” seems like obfuscation technique called “control-flow flattening”
important note not all flow graph in this diagram is related to this stage only, but also the Downloader and Parser is included here…. just the flattened part and dispatcher.
but let’s skip wasting time figuring out obfuscation and just go with execution flow avoiding any complexity, and try to explain only important things
first it try to manually load another ntdll.dll and go for unhooking steps explained above, the explanation above of unhooking was done inside main loader process ` Parallax.exe but this time inside
after that we want to expose 2 things :-
using ZwQueryInformationProcess()
as anti-debugging.
NTSTATUS WINAPI ZwQueryInformationProcess(
_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle,
_In_ PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass,
_Out_ PVOID ProcessInformation,
_In_ ULONG ProcessInformationLength,
_Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength
can be used to detect if the current process is running under debugger by suppling the second argument ProcessInformationClass
, that simply describe the information we want to retrieve and the classes that have retrieve info about debugger is.
ProcessDebugPort = 0x07
ProcessDebugObjectHandle = 0x1E
ProcessDebugFlags = 0x1F
and depending on the result returned in the third argument ProcessInformation
, the malware will change the execution flow if it found debugger attached, so we want to patch this parameter to be 0 as if there’s no debugger attached, but we can’t do this by putting a breakpoint in symbolic way like bp ZwQueryInformationProcess
in x69-dbg for example because the symbol ZwQueryInformationProcess
is founded in two dll, the manually mapped ntdll.dll “unhooked” and the original Ntdll.dll loaded by windows “maybe hooked”, as all calls for APIs inside the malware is redirected with local variables through addresses in the unhooked ntdll.dll, we just need to find the first call to ZwQueryInformationProcess
then add the breakpoint in address itself of the function epilogue then every time it hit this breakpoint we check if the 2nd parameter ProcessInformationClass
on stack is 0x07, 0x1E or 0x1F then zeroing out the Dword pointed to by the 3rd parameter ProcessInformation
using NtQuerySystemInformation()
to enumerate all running Processes and comparing them against AV Products .
__kernel_entry NTSTATUS NtQuerySystemInformation(
PVOID SystemInformation,
ULONG SystemInformationLength,
PULONG ReturnLength
the first argument specify the info to be retrieved in the 2nd argument pointer, so the malware calls suppling 0x05 as the SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, which is SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, that return array of structures for each running process, each structure have information about one process and one of these information is a image name buffer of the process, and the malware loop through all of these names to find if it match with ekrn.exe
“ESET Kernel service” or avp.exe
“Kaspersky Antivirus process”, and if it founded it will set a decisive Boolean that change the control flow
also it use this structure to hash comparing running process names with 25 crc32 hashes of AV related processes names
and if any of these process hashes matched with any of currently running process, then it will set bools to one
E_) Persistence :-
so after stage detection of Anti-virus products and detection of debugger, now we inside CMD.exe
and the creation of suspended process and inject the payload into it and changing the entry point is still using the same technique used with Mstsc.exe
, but when cmd.exe resumed parallax.exe
and Mstsc.exe
terminated “they call WaitForSingleObject() then enter ZwTerminateProcess() after they finish malware functionality” … and leave cmd.exe
as orphan legitimate process containing the persistence establishment and the final RAT payload.
techniques like loading ntdll.dll
from disk, hooks removing and using ZwDelayExecution()
are still implemented in this stage also… “stages seems to be nested with the same techniques plus the stage functionality itself”
so to establish a persistence the malware creates two files then exclude them from windows defender
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\iExplore.lnk
==> launches by default in windows startup time.
===> launches using scheduled task.
iexplore.exe => is just a duplicate of main parallax.exe <main sample file> … but when it added in scheduled task has a different Command line arguments to launch this executable
masquerading the malicious payload with name of legitimate windows executable name iexplore.exe
, and add iexplore.exe
in scheduled task then add a lnk
file to it in the startup folder
copying the Parallax main executable to %AppData%\Adobe\flashplayer\iExplore.exe
is done using BITS Com interface “Background Intelligent Transfer Service”, just like how the downloader shellcode download the PNG file from
, but instead of PNG URL the Parallax main executable path was supplied as source/remote address.
then to make a iexplore.lnk
shortcut file inside the Startup
folder it use another COM class
00021401-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 CLSID:Windows LNK Shortcut file
and from this class we use two interfaces
=> Sets the path to target link object. ==> %AppData%\Adobe\flashplayer\iExplore.exe
- ``IPersistFile
=> save the
.lnk ` file to disk in specified path ==> \Startup\iExplore.lnk
**setting scheduled task using CTask
class interfaces ** => Itaskschedule
, Itask
, IPersistFile
and ItaskTrigger
sequence to create new task
create instance of the interface with CoCreateInstance()
Call ITaskScheduler::NewWorkItem
to create new task.
setting configs of the task
to save the new task to disk.
how task trigger set
regularly when using an API that need some structure, first we initialize this structure with zeros, and that’s a common way to identify a usage of any standard API structure we first notice this initialization pattern.
the filling of this structure is done in obfuscated manner here
and we could apply this hex values with structure of trigger
but for simplicity we could investigate the task configuration and trigger during dynamic analysis in isolated VM.
exclude malware files from windows defender
to ensure that the malware will live in the infected machine without detection, the last thing it exclude malware files from windows defender, and the way to do this is depends on the operating system of the infected machine,
if it find windows 10 machine it use Powershell.exe
powershell.exe - command "Set-MpPreference -ExeclusionPath ''%AppData%\Adobe\flashplayer\iExplore.exe' "
and building this PowerShell command is obvious string stacking.
any version below windows 10, it will do this exclusion using registry key.
but the command to do this registry change is encrypted inside the code, and decrypted at runtime with simple xor with hardcoded key 0x69
so we can replicate this by cyberchef.
and during the process of exclusion from defender it bypass the UAC “User Access Control” using CMSTPLUA COM interface
and the whole code used for bypass can be founded publicly here
Techniques :-
- obfuscate static analysis by building internal structure to each stage
- resolving API by hashing “crc32” and traverse PEB
- anti-analysis through mixing execution of 32-bit code and 64-bit code “ using heaven gates “
- dynamic stack manipulation and referencing “stack variables” / APIs during execution
- decode payload from
- heavy usage of COM interfaces to do it’s functionality … ex.
, IPersistFile
, Itask
, Itaskschedule
and ItaskTrigger
- load
from disk to evade userland AV Hooks and to confuse debugger symbolic Breakpoints
- anti-debugging through calling
either with ProcessDebugPort => 0x07
or with ProcessDebugObjectHandle => 0x1E
- AV detection using CRC32 hashing
- persistence through scheduled task using COM API masquerading
which is just clean copy of main loader but with added cli parameters
- evade windows defender either with
powershell.exe Set-MpPreference -ExeclusionPath
or reg.exe add <execltion dir from defernder>
accompanied with UAC bypass using CMSTPLUA
COM interface
update == 1
final note :D
after your suggestion and notes about why i don’t discuss any automated De-obfuscation or structure rebuilding during the analysis or even automated annotation on the analysis DB, and the answer is i noted that i will go through the sample manually and statically as possible to give any beginner chance of how to battern match techniques employed by malware with naked eye :D XD …